Leadership & Wellbeing coaching for women

Creating Positive Change


Supporting purpose-led women leaders and emerging leaders to drive change with confidence and have the impact they desire without sacrificing their authenticity or wellbeing




supporting women leaders of today & tomorrow

Founded by coach and lawyer Nina Chabrier, Lumineuse Coaching was created to support women to fulfil their potential, shine brightly and lead with confidence.

Through one to one coaching, mentoring and group workshops, Nina works with women to identify their purpose, drive change and have an impact without sacrificing their authenticity or wellbeing.

Nina partners with her clients to identify what they want and what is holding them back. Her programmes take a holistic approach and clients emerge with more clarity, confidence and energy. 

Nina also works with organisations committed to supporting their employees to thrive in the workplace.

Bespoke coaching & workshops

Leadership, Career & Confidence Coaching

Supporting women to thrive in a career which is fulfilling and purposeful, and in which they can have the impact they desire. 

Health & Wellbeing Coaching

Supporting women to protect their energy levels and mental clarity and to recover from or protect themselves from burnout.

Leadership & Wellbeing Workshops

Group workshops designed for and delivered to organisations.

Client experiences

Leadership, Career and Confidence Coaching

 Nina’s coaching sessions have had a hugely positive impact on my life and have transformed my personal and professional life for the better. Not only have they made me more resilient and confident but they have also helped me to understand what sort of career I want and how to go about achieving this. My sessions with Nina have helped me to realise my goals and to deal with difficult situations… Nina is a really supportive coach who I trust entirely. She is great at challenging me in a supportive non-judgmental way. I can’t recommend Nina enough!!!!

Stephanie*, Lawyer, UK

Health & Wellbeing Coaching

I highly recommend this lovely lady. Nina is an excellent Health & Life coach. She has such a warm approach and she really listens. Thank you Nina, you have helped me to understand myself and what I want out of life so much better.

Louisa, Co-Founder of Roary & Buddy (roaryandbuddy.co.uk), UK


Career & Wellbeing Coaching

It was genuinely fantastic working with you; it came at an absolutely perfect time for me and has given me so much to think about and do.

Elizabeth,* Lawyer, UK

Nina coached me on a twelve-week programme…the change was transformational to my health, my relationships, my work and my business. Nina is the most supportive, encouraging and nurturing coach. She has such a calm presence and she made me feel safe to be exactly who I am, warts and all.

By creating a space of calm, supportive acceptance for me she helped give me the courage to want to address aspects of myself with which I was least happy… Alongside supporting me, Nina made sure that she supportively challenged me too… The lifting of some of the emotional weight led to some unplanned benefits too: I lost 10lb, took up more exercise and have been enjoying and having fun with the clothes in my wardrobe again, which feels lovely; and my personal growth has led to the growth of my business too.

Being coached by Nina has brought clarity and peace to areas of my life that previously felt muddied and heavy. I am going to continue to work with Nina. Not because I now feel the need to; but because I whole heartedly want to. With much transformation already, I am excited to see what more I can achieve with the support of my coach.

Trudie, UK

Career and Confidence Coaching

I started a coaching programme with Nina because I was at a crossroads with my career and had a great feeling of being ‘lost’. I also had very low self-esteem and lacked self-confidence. As a working mum, I was consumed by guilt and not being ‘present’ with my family.  I was always thinking about work and was stressed and highly strung.  I was unfulfilled and discontent with the direction of life.

The coaching programme has helped me make changes to my life and discover and accept things about myself. My epiphany moment in the programme was realising that I always had potential in me, but had just lost my way. 

Before the programme, I always had a pessimistic/realist approach towards life. As a result of the programme, I have been able to make changes to help with my mindset. I feel calmer, more ‘present’ with family. I am learning to balance my own expectations, and to ‘let go’.

I have always viewed the ‘unknown’ as something to fear and be anxious of, now I view the ‘unknown’ as an opportunity for something new!

Before, the biggest source of my discontentment and unhappiness was my work and now I have made the decision to leave, which I would never have had the courage to do before! 

Jes, Teacher, UK

Wellbeing & Career Coaching

Nina is just amazing and I can’t recommend her coaching highly enough. My mind was in a chaotic place when I started my coaching programme and I really benefited from Nina’s calmness, kindness, warmth, listening skills and ability to create some order out of the chaos for me. I feel like what Nina offers is something quite unique – coaching that looks at the whole person and is very female focused. Working with Nina has helped to rebuild my confidence and resilience, and given me some new avenues of thought and perspective to explore, for which I will always be grateful.  

Caroline, Senior Leader

Career Coaching

I felt immediately comfortable opening up to Nina about my professional aspirations. She has a sincere and reassuring nature and listened to me without judgement. She helped me to find solutions to my anxieties and most importantly, empowered me to achieve my objectives. 

* Elodie, Humanitarian professional


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